
Being smart isn't just about knowing the right answer

Being smart isn't just about knowing the right answer....

half the battle is just simply knowing what to look into. If you have no idea what something is called or it if it even exists, it is really hard to get information and get more educated. If you do know about the name of a technique or that your problem simply must have been solved, then that's the first step taken in a, sometimes quite long, journey. Whenever you think 'man I should be much better at ___....' just remember that by simply being able to say those words, you are very far along your journey. This question simply must stand upon tons of prior knowledge that not everyone is fortunate enough to have. What you feel is very simple molehill (eg: getting a drivers license, getting paid more, being able to interact socially) may actually be a debilitating mountain for many others. Take life by the balls and just figure it out. That's what made us the dominant species on this rock floating through space, I and your ancestors believe in you 💗 

Thanks for reading!

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