
First child experience

I was ready for my first child, but man did this year get piled up. We found out we were pregnant Dec 31st at 11:49 PM during a new years party at our then-rental home. I had been frustrated with my current job and wanted to move forward in my career, wanted to purchase the house we were renting but the value was way outside of our price range, Ali had news that child-bearing might not be a thing for her in the future, so that was a huge stressor on her, and many other things. Once we found out she was pregnant, we knew we needed to purchase a home for the security of our family, and decided to finally come to an agreement with her mother who owned the house we were renting. I had been approached by a local business woman about a potential job, so I took the interview in January, and by February I was working my new gig. Ali and I got married in May, and then purchased the house about a week before our child was delivered (3 days of laboring.... Ali you are so indescribably strong.... you scare me...). 

Really, all you need for the first week is 

  • formula (get some even if you want to just breast feed, trust)
  • distilled water (tap water has Floride which is fine for us big people with teeths, but for babies it can be harmful, as well as other metals or bacteria in the tap water)
  • new born and 0-3 diapers
  • burp rags
  • Halo nightime swaddle (you can get away with just using a blanket of some sorts, starting by laying it in a diamond, then taking the top corner and folding it down and laying baby's head above the fold, then folding left flap+arm over, tuck bottom fold in with left flap, then right arm + flap)
  • nipple ice packs
  • witch hazel pads
  • some blue spray thing that numbs your nether regions
  • a deep freeze for storing food from friends / family (a meal train is so incredibly helpful. Not thinking about what to make w/ ingredients is clutch when you are a few days/weeks in)
  • basinet for baby to sleep in
  • a rocking chair thing for the baby to sit in while you shower / use the bathroom
  • front pack/wrap
  • noise machine for white noise to help baby sleep 

Utilize local children thrift stores

Ali and I found a wonderful location that specializes in prenatal/children + post-partum items. This has definitely saved us so much money and I highly recommend looking for something lightly used before shopping, and WELL before shopping on something like Amazon.


If you plan on taking time off work (you are going to want to...) there is insurance for extended leave.  "Private Family leave act insurance" (idk I'm making that up)

Thanks for reading!

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