
How I learned web dev

The most important thing for me was setting up isolated environments of whatever codebase I was working on. For my homework in my bootcamp, I would copy the homework so I knew I could just delete the broken folder and restart. Now that I work with Git and GitHub, the easiest thing to do is make a separate branch, clone the DB and stand up a new one, and toil until the broken ain't broke no mo. Feeling confident that you won't mess other's up (which is bound to happen and is a great learning experience for all...) definitely makes the process of trying to learn feel a lot more secure.

The second thing was getting over the 'sunk cost fallacy' which is the "I'm this far in, I do _not_ want to turn back!". Sometimes, if possible, just restarting can save so many more hours....

I started with a coding bootcamp. There I learned about and the syntax podcast. Going through both of those as I just started out, I really didn't understand any of the concepts they talked about, but 6 months later those concepts would come back up and, because I had at least heard about them, I wasn't completely in the dark. Super helpful.  

Then I learned about,,,,,,, on youtube, fireship on youtube,  

Thanks for reading!

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