
How scary is AI?

For anyone who isn't familiar with how powerful technology is today, AI is going to be a huge nightmare. AI alone isn't going to be too problematic, but combine that with malicious intent and a small amount of technical prowess, now your grandmother may get a cell phone call from YOUR phone number, deep faking YOUR voice, asking for sensitive information, claiming you have been kidnapped, or any other horrible thoughts a human can come up with. How can we protect not only ourselves, but also those who are vulnerable to its power it gives to another human being? Oh, you have an AI that can ingest a photo of your fridge and answer a question posed; lets say "what meals can I make with these ingredients?"... a great use, right? Well, now your neighbor can take a picture of their shed and ask "what explosives can I make with these ingredients?".... not as fun, huh? 

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