
Is React Dying? PHP is back?

This article talks about why React is worse than the old ways and how we are going back to them. I have to disagree. As someone who started coding in 2018, I've been through a few companies and code bases. What I noticed is it's not always about the individual language chosen, but the ecosystem around that language. Is your IDE set up to handle formatting and linting of that language? Are your servers set up to host the code correctly? Does your team have enough knowledge about that language to get these things working?

A lot of people with experience assume that people are using these languages that are 'ruining coding and do the same thing as what we already were using', but have they considered how that code is being implemented outside of the context of code? Who cares about performance if you can't get the code to work at all? If someone else wants to rewrite all of my React/JS code into CSS or whatever, be my guest as it's totally possible; however, I wouldn't have been able to get things working if I had tried to use one of the older languages. I didn't 'have to learn code standards' (indenting amount, do you wrap your singe function param in parens, etc) because Prettier just handled that for me when I told VSCode to format my code. I didn't have to pay attention to typing issues because TS gave me documentation on what shape variables would be in, but didn't stop my code from compiling while I was still learning what each type was. Also, I saw HTMX brought up in the article. HTMX is JS, obviously less. But at the end of the day, it's doing the same thing React is doing, just in a different way. 

While I say all of this, there is no excuse for not learning the FUNDAMENTALS. Doing things correctly is definitely a good thing to do, but 'perfect is the antithesis of done', meaning you can't get hung up on every detail. If React just ends up squarely where PHP stands now, then the reason this happened was to solve an issue in the community at that time. As React has ages, it's going to mature and solve issues within itself. 

Thanks for reading!

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