
Remodeling a website

The existing site:

  1. A splash page that lands for 5 seconds. The text animates when you hover
  2. A landing page with
    1. a hero section
    2. a Sizzle Reel
    3. A list of work
    4. catchy footer
  3. Services
  4. Team and Company
  5. Differentiators
  6. 2 Cents

The new site:

I wanted to make this site more focused on the target audience. Using user personas, I determined that the primary visitor for our website would be clients who would hire us for our work, and a second user would be a potential employee. I scoured the interwebs for inspiration on how other industry leaders were tackling these goals. I would love to do a user survey of sorts to feel out how the real world 'user personas' would respond to these example sites, but that may be a dream. Now that I have a list of sites, I want to go through and break out the components that exist on each page. We are essentially left with"

  • 2-4 layout pages
  • 5-10 custom components
  • ~10 generic components (text blocks, headers, buttons, inputs/forms, carousels, expanding drawers, etc)

Thanks for reading!

Let me know what you think on github