
What I learned in boating school is....

Feb 16 '23 - Jan 16 '24: 

☐ XAMMP setup for local dev 

☐ Computer IT (reset macbook, fix internet, pit camera) 

☐ Twig Prettier setup ☐ Klaviyo template code refactor 

☐ DDEV local dev env ☐ Craft4 Scaffolding project 

☐ Google Drive documentation section 

☐ Tried React w/ Vite+Craft 

☐ Email hosting config for steamboat f+w 

☐ Image modification/minifications 

☐ BarbaJS animation library 

☐ WIX websites 

☐ VSCode and extentions 

☐ SSH to servers, to replace Atom 

☐ Moved Biscuit to basement 

☐ coffee 

☐ Digital Ocean monitoring 

☐ Runcloud build scripts

☐ Github profile for DBS

☐ Replace Gulp w/ Vite

☐ .gitignore setup 

☐ CMS training script

☐ Train Laura on CSS (flex) and JS

☐ A11y tools 

☐ IT Infrastructure understanding and outline

☐ QNAP server understanding

☐ Unifi networking understanding

Thanks for reading!

Let me know what you think on github