
Youre not learning if youre not frustrated

The issue is evolution.  If you've learned something (let's say... bears will kill you) but when you're 15 years old (everyone died by 20 back then) you suddenly thought trying to hug a bear could be a good idea, then you'd probably end up eaten and not passing on your genetics.  Today, the problem (for me and my area of expertise specifically) is not being willing to adapt to software changes. Luckily, I'm only 28 so my brain is only really just starting to "harden" (I guess I'm basically 15 according to my analogy...) so I'm not as prone to "not trying to understand something because my other option works fine". The thing I just realized is that our brains don't "harden" over time (we are probably still somewhat neuro-plastic) but instead we start feeling the "pressure" from that pesky evolution more and more as you get older. Just like it's easy to start eating chips and ice cream and hard to stop, it's a "personal choice" (more.... mental strength check) every single day. When you decide to ignore that frustration demon saying "this is too much work and taking too much time" or "I can get someone else to do this" and just do it, know you are beating evolution, and no longer being being punished for this curiosity.

Thanks for reading!

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