image with artdirection

Building websites

image with artdirection

NextJS, Runcloud, CraftCMS + headless Preview Mode setup

My journey to getting a 'working' full stack application
image with artdirection

Is React Dying? PHP is back?

I don't think so

Tailwind, Framer, and other libraries

Being a web developer has always been task of wearing many hats.... but design has always been the hardest one for me to crack

Headless CMS or Naw?

WTF is even a Headless or an CMS? Here's my understanding.... which is probably wrong. Someone halp....

Bootcamps are selling you something you already have...

Want to do some coding? The 'only way is to pay an expensive education fee'

Remodeling a website

My process for redesigning and offering suggestions on an existing website

Being smart isn't just about knowing the right answer

There are a few things that I don't remember off the top of my head.... okay.... alot.

Game dev cycles

How does a game dev company make itself stable?

Tools of the trade

Well, more like cutting-edge stuff that has proven helpful!

My inspiration

As a non-creative, I look around for patterns I can put into my toolbelt. Fundamentals baby!

How I learned web dev

Coding Bootcamp, podcast, first job, second job, build personal website.... there

How I Survive as a Web Dev

For just 3 easy payments, its easy!

What makes a good developer

Existing outside of your silo

What I learned in boating school is....


10 Commandments of Dan

Okay... Maybe its not 10....

How scary is AI?

For me and you, probably not scary.... BUT....


DDEV and a working ENV

Youre not learning if youre not frustrated

Annoying but true...

Ubuntu install

Ubuntu.... Here are the scripts I needed to use and what they did for me

VSCode for Twig

Still a WIP, but what I use to build websites

First child experience

Having a wife, home purchased, career path secured, and community/support net around made all the difference. RESULTS WILL VARY tehe

Hosting a website

A ton of the journey boiled down into one spot. Definitely a lot of granular details you may run into.